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The Center for RECAAL promotes joint research between Wake Forest University faculty and students. The goal is for students to research a community related issue under the supervision of a faculty member. This research-based program may also incorporate community members working collaboratively with the research team to take an active role in all phases of a project, from the review of literature to the dissemination of findings. This participatory action orientation to research fundamentally prioritizes social justice and transformation, utilizing diverse fields of study and research methods.

This program gives the university an additional tool for assessing the campus and community climate from the perspective of students and similarly situated community members impacted by issues related to racial discrimination or other social inequities.

Participating students will develop skills that will be valuable in diverse career fields or in pursuing graduate research degrees. Students will give their presentations, as well as develop publications on the findings of the work. Final products will be preserved in the Center’s localized archive.

This competitive program offers up to two awards per semester.

Who May Apply

Wake Forest University students with a sponsoring faculty member. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors.


Fellowship research period is 1 academic semester.

Research Teams are provided with a minimum stipend of $1,500 ($1,000 for the sponsoring faculty member and $500 for the student), and up to $2,000 if the research team enlists substantive support from a community member or representative faculty member of Winston-Salem State University ( $500) in exchange for:

  • One public or community engagement event (e.g., lecture)
  • Submission of materials to RECAAL’s localized archival collection

All materials (publications, papers and on-line documents) developed while receiving these funds must acknowledge the Center for RECAAL and the Faculty-Student Cooperative Community Research Program. Copies must be given to the Center for RECAAL.

Selection Criteria

  • The relevance of the project must be connected to the mission and goals of RECAAL’s community-facing work
  • The feasibility of the project
  • The benefit to RECAAL’s localized archival collection
  • The strength of the proposal in light of letter of reference from coordinating faculty member

Proposal Format/Checklist

Proposals should be emailed in one electronic document (Word or PDF) to and must include the following:

  • A 1,000 word description of the proposed community-based research. This document must be double-spaced and use 12-point type. It should:
    • Explain the nature and significance of the project, including its impact on the Wake Forest University community and the Winston-Salem community at large.
    • Include a brief statement of the applicant’s goals and preparation for the project.
    • Describe how the project will benefit RECAAL’s localized archive.
  • Confidential letter of reference from the coordinating faculty member